Common University Entrance Test (CUET) 2023, scheduled to be conducted in the 4th week of May is one of the largest competitive exams in India. There have been 16.85 lakh registrations for the exam — an increase of 4 lakh registrations from last year.
However, a candidate need not be alarmed by the numbers. Their competition will be from among the candidates interested in a particular course from a particular university.
There are multiple central/deemed /state universities with hundreds of course offerings to choose from. Once candidates have chosen the courses, they can start moving in the direction with the right mindset to tackle all the challenges that the paper will present.
The first step
The first step to ensure success in this exam is to understand the sections and the syllabus available on the official website. The topics mentioned in the syllabus will be of the school level for the general test and English and specifically of Class 11 and 12 for the domain subjects. So, candidates should be familiar with what they are going to face in the CUET.
An advantage of a single window exam like CUET is that performance in one board exam will not determine the chances of admission to top colleges that one would like to get into. The test provides a common platform where one can compete with all the other candidates to get the course and university of choice irrespective of which board one belongs to.
Once a candidate has chosen the subjects, it is important to ace that domain subject along with any other additional prerequisites like the English language and general test.
There are 27 domain-specific subjects being offered and the candidate has to attempt only 35-40 out of 45-50 questions. So, candidates should come up with a strategy as to which questions to leave out and attempt only those where they are most confident. This comes with a thorough understanding of basic concepts and practice in taking mock tests. The multiple-choice format of the paper makes the task easier for candidates.
There is ample choice even in the medium of the paper which is not limited to just English or Hindi. 13 languages are being offered as a medium so candidates can feel comfortable in attempting questions in the medium of their choice. Also, the spirit of CUET is to be more inclusive and accessible. So the difficulty level of common subjects like English and general tests is not as high as other national-level competitive exams. Candidates are given enough subject options - they can appear for up to 10 subjects, giving them access to a basket of courses and universities to choose from.
No substitute for hardwork
Like any other competitive exam, there is no substitute for hard work and consistency because the best minds will be competing to get into the limited seats of the top colleges, thereby having a secure future ahead. Understanding the syllabus, studying from authentic sources, covering, and revising the topics covered during your school exams and practising more and more questions will prepare you to face the real exam in time bound manner.
Time management is another very important aspect that should not be ignored at the time of preparation or at the time of writing the actual exam. Competitive exams are not only a test of knowledge but also of speed. Having strong fundamentals in one’s domain-specific subject goes a long way in helping students. One needs to understand that the secret lies in the little details and basic concepts rather than struggling with too advanced questions.
One should practise some mocks in a similar interface as that of the actual CUET which also tests students on questions similar to those that were asked in the previous CUET. Completing these mocks in the allotted time with good accuracy will boost confidence and prepare the candidates for the environment of the actual exam.
With the right mindset, a little confidence in oneself and the correct test-taking strategy (of question selection, as mentioned above) there is nothing stopping you from getting into the campus of your dreams.
(The author is an assistant course director for UG courses at a coaching institute)
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