Six labourers were rescued while one was missing after a landslide hit an under-construction building in Udhampur district of Jammu and Kashmir on Tuesday, officials said.
Additional Deputy Commissioner, Udhampur, Joginder Singh Jasrotia said a rescue operation is on to locate the missing person, who is believed to be trapped under the debris of the landslide.
Police officials said a group of labourers were busy in construction work at Kallar near vegetable market when they came under the landslide around 11.45 am.
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A rescue operation was launched immediately and six labourers were rescued, while the search is on for a missing labourer, the officials said.
Jasrotia said the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and SDRF teams along with police were deployed to trace out the missing labourer.
“Nine labourers were at the scene when the landslide struck. Out of two missing labourers, one was safely retrieved from under the debris while the search is on for another missing person,” he said.
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