The concept of charity has almost attained an institutionalized status these days. The common man’s conscience is tapped during times of natural calamities, wars and large-scale accidents which lead to the devastation of life and property. A large number of people do voluntarily chip in with their contributions in cash and kind. At such times even the ones who do not feel large-hearted are sensitized towards their social responsibility.
In normal circumstances, the populace which gives something of their possessions or wealth to a deserving person, group or organisation gets a clear receipt for the same. That is not all. Sometimes they are entitled to tax benefits, gift coupons, free subscriptions to magazines and newsletters, honorary posts, official favours, and lifetime membership in prestigious clubs or organizations among other such benefits. Random donors of blood, vital body organs, building material, old clothes, books, toys or any other knickknack do stand to gain something in some way. Tube lights, fans, bells and even tiles donated by devotees in places of worship are painted on with the names of the donors.
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Being benevolent for the sake of being so is almost passé. It is time for us to recollect a story from the Jataka tales to understand the genuineness of generosity. Once a hawk chased a pigeon relentlessly till the fatigued bird flew into Shibi Chakravarthy’s royal garden and sought his asylum. Even as the ruler reassured the terrified avian, the hawk flapped his wings angrily. The two birds engaged Shibi in their argument. While the pigeon continued to seek refuge, the hawk claimed that the king was depriving him of his rightful meal. Shibi decided to resolve this predicament by providing his own flesh weighing the same as the pigeon as compensation to the hawk. Surprisingly, the flesh from his thigh failed to equal the weight of the bird, no matter how much he tried.
Touched by the monarch’s munificence, the pigeon and the eagle manifested themselves as Agni and Indra respectively. They confessed their envy of his magnanimity, apologized for their cruelty and restored his flesh but not before saluting his magnanimity. Khalil Gibran has encapsulated the spirit of such selfless giving in his verse which reads: You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.
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